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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today at Enrich we did SCAMPER. Scamper has a meaning for every letter. S means substitute, C means combine, A means adapt, M means mega/mini, P means put to other uses, E means eliminate, R means reverse. My group used a headset. For S we used the cord as a rope to tie me up. For C we combined Kavarn's jacked with the headset and used it as a coat hanger .  For A we plugged it in to the news paper and pretended that you could just listen to it. For M we put it on one of the monsters. For P we used it as a whip. For E we took away half of it. For R we took a photo of Kavarn wearing them upside down.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today before lunch we did debating with Alana. Debating is an argument about the same thing but they are either against it or they agree with it. Ours was about if the Christchurch cathedral should be knocked down or not. I was on the team that was wanting it to be knocked down. Some of the ideas that we came up with was it's a safety risk. Another was it will cost too much to rebuild on what's already there. I think it should be knocked down and rebuilt.