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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Talent Development

 I am doing robotics for talent development. Last week we filled in this sheet to make us think about what we already know about programming and what we want to learn. One of them is a game on Scratch. Someone made a game that we had to try and get the ghost.  Today we learnt how to use Alice. Alice is a programme that you can use to make worlds on. One of the tutorials on there was about making an ice skater move. There are tutorials that tell you how to use the different parts of Alice. We have planned the things we are going to be learning about this term for our programming.


P4C means Philosophy For Children. We do P4C every week. Last week we were asked questions about  friendship. We talked about somethings like what is friendship and how do you know who your friends are and had to answer if it was friendship or not. Some of them were really hard to answer because it sounded a bit like friendship but it might not have been.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Last week at Enrich we did Scamper.Each letter has a thing that you have to do
we used shoes to do each of the things with.
S means substitute.We used it as a rugby ball.
C means combine. We combine the shoe and felts and made a penholder.
A means adjust. We adjusted the shoe to make a swing.
M means modify/magnify/ minify. We made the shoe tiny.
P means put to other uses. We used the shoe as a telephone.
E means eliminate. We took away the shoe and it was just a shoelace.
R means reverse/rearrange. We put the shoelace on backwards.
After that we had to use keynote to make something about what we did. Each group did one.


An instructional video on the SCAMPER Creative Thinking method.